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Granny Met Jesus

Sarah Marcina

Daddy often says, "Just because you are named after your Granny, doesn't mean you have to act like her also." Granny reply is "Well, that's a good thing, no one is better to be like than me." Daddy, (jokingly... I think), then laughs and says "I don't know about that." She has taught me so many things about life. I evidently have picked up on mostly good, but certainly the orneriness too.

Granny, I know you will never forget another thing nor ever have to worry about your blood pressure. Most of all you, will be able to do anything you want! Except I know your wants are forever changed. Rather than wanting to take care of your business, or wanting to go walk, I know you are now wanting to praise God and will forever walk the streets of gold with Grandpa. At times it was hard helping you when you weren't feeling good but Momma always said one day I would be thankful for being able to care for you. That day came quite unexpectedly. You weren't feeling bad or really even been sick. Yes, your leg still hurt from where you broke your hip last year. but that was normal.

Every time I did your hair you would tell me, " IF I die, you need to fix my hair for me so I don't look like a gaum." I promised I would. Little did I know a couple years ago when we were being goofy doing a glam photo shoot, I was fulfilling my promise.

Strange isn't it. I already miss you. Living in my house will never be the same. Whenever I look across the street, I know I will never see you picking pears or pulling weeds. I watched as you went out of your house for the very last time. It was hard in that moment to fathom you are no longer in your earthly body, but in your eternal one. I am happy for you. You finally get to spend time with Grandpa again. I know you missed him terribly. Most of all, I know you wanted to live in Heaven so you didn't end up living in one of those nursing homes. I know you prayed our Heavenly Father would take you home before that happened. God is good, He answered your prayer. I am so glad you get to thank Him face to face. I know the Bible says a thousand years is as to one day in the scope of eternity. Granny, with that in mind, I will see you in a few minutes as soon as I put my shoes on, I will be over. I love you.


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