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This, That or The Other.

Sarah Marcina

Choices, oh the choices! Do I clean and do laundry? Do I work on "On Ringo Lake"? Do I work on the Pleiades Quilt? I think I must chose the and laundry! UGH! On the day you wake up knowing how chilly it is outside and would be a great day to sew. Yet one must choose to adult every once in awhile.

After doing my laundry, cleaning house and putting away winter decorations, I sewed. Unlike the last day I spent at my machine, this evening has been successful. I can actually show you a picture of what I am working on rather than an old favorite. I chose to do That and The Other too! For On Ringo Lake, I continued the never ending Clue 3. For Quilt Challenge, I did some hand quilting on Block Six.


Today was the day of Brother Billy Graham's funeral. For those who may not know this man, look him up on YouTube. You will find many of his firey sermons. Thousand upon thousands came to know Christ as their personal Saviour through his tent revivals, later known as Crusades. From sports stadiums to street corners he preached many times using the Words of Jesus, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me." In my lifetime, the most memorable time I heard him speak was following September 11, 2001. President Bush requested that "America's Preacher" would bring a sermon of comfort to the American people who desperately needed hope.

With my grandmother going to Heaven four short months ago, my emotions are still raw. I can imagine the emptiness the Graham family feel as their dad, grandfather and great-grandfather is no longer with them. What a hope and comfort we have in the name of Jesus!

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