Don't you just love Christmas! There is something extra special about a baby's first though. Maybe it is the joy a little one brings to a family. Perhaps it give us just a little taste of how Mary felt the first time she held Jesus in her arms.
Keeping with my Sunbonnet Sue theme, I pictured a little one sitting around the Christmas tree for the first time in awe of the size and fresh pine scent. Here is the basic design. I decided to embellish it with embroidery and a scrap fabric "picture" on the wall. I'd love to see how you finish yours!

I decided to embroider garland and lights on the tree. I found a scrap piece of fabric with a truck after fussy cutting I stitched it to the wall. For the wreath I used a technique called "couching." A single candle sits on the window sill. I keep looking at the block and wonder if I should add another one. What do you think? Closer to Christmas I intend to make a pillow out of the block. It will add a cute touch to my country Christmas décor. I might add a few presents under the tree also!

I'd love to see how you finish your block! So many idea's so little space! Happy Quilting!

Check out these other blocks!