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Quilt Challenge: Celaeno Block

Sarah Marcina

I am glad I decided to take on this project. It has been a total change of pace. The pieces in the blocks are HUGE compared to "On Ringo Lake" and the colors don't even began to compare. Don't get me wrong, they are both pretty but have a totally different flavor.

Monday I did the piece work and ended up with eight bonus half square triangles. Maybe they will come in handy for cornerstones or be worked into the border. For now, they are in the drawer dedicated to the Pleiades Quilt.

Surprisingly enough, I didn't have any problems with the Flying Geese. I still do not like those pesky birds. Thanks to "On RIngo Lake" and the hundreds of small geese I made for it, these large one were a piece of cake. If you are struggling with them, find a template for foundation

piecing. They don't have to be large, in fact the smaller they are the more difficult it is to piece. Make 20 or so foundation piecing and then try it without. If you are still having trouble repeat until you have it. Always remember practice makes perfect, and you can never practice too much because we will never reach perfection!

By Monday evening, I had the block put together. It certainly has the primitive feel I was going for.

I have decided to use the Quilt as You Go method to finish this one. It is my goal to piece and quilt one block a week, so at the end of the challenge I will be ready to put it together and enjoy it to the fullest!

Tonight I finished the hand quilting. Even though it is not perfect, it is good enough for me. After all, this isn't going to a show or being given away. Not that I don't do my best work always, but perfection isn't a need for this gem.

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